Platform Service
Included in core ember-cordova repo, and provides information about the current platform. Heavily inspired and partially forked from Ionic Platform.
Service Lookup
Description | |
navigator | proxy for window.navigator object |
ua | proxy for window.navigator.userAgent object |
platforms | array of all platforms found (e.g. WebView, iOS) |
isHybrid | bool - is Cordova, PhoneGap or Crosswalk |
isCordova | bool |
isIPad | bool |
isIOS | bool |
isAndroid | bool |
isWindowsPhone | bool |
isEdge | bool |
isCrosswalk | bool |
platform | string. either ios, android, windowsphone, edge, |
crosswalk or navigator.platform | |
version | number |
device | proxy for window.device |